Tags: 40s, black and white, browsing room, faculty, interior, library, Mangiatico, student groups, students, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, black and white, display, foyer, interior, library, students, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, black and white, exterior, library, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, black and white, exterior, library, students, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, black and white, exterior, horses, jumps, riding, students, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, black and white, exterior, Harriet Rogers, instructors, Peggy Jones, riding, students, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Hall
Tags: 40s, black and white, exterior, Harriet Rogers, instructors, riding, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, Adie Jones, black and white, exterior, horses, riding, shows, students, Sweet Briar College
Tags: 40s, black and white, exterior, riding, students, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Hall
atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2